Corrosion Measurement
Low Frequency PAUT Inspection of GFRP
16th March 2020
Certain heterogeneous materials can be highly attenuative to ultrasound. As a result, lower frequency probes are required, especially for thick sections which otherwise can be difficult to inspect.
Application Notes
Comparison of Corrosion Mapping Solutions using Phased Array and Conventional UT Techniques
15th January 2020
There are many kinds of corrosion inspection solutions and choosing the right one may be complex.
Technical Papers
High Precision Corrosion Monitoring Using Ultrasonic Techniques
15th January 2020
Corrosion is associated with material deterioration because of a chemical reaction between the metal and its environment. Moreover, galvanic corrosion happens when two different metals are in contact with an electrolyte.
Technical Papers
FMC/TFM Technique for Defect Characterisation
18th November 2019
The TFM technique is not affected by the beam size; the algorithm creates a virtual focus on every pixel of the image.
Application Notes
Technology Advancements for Remote NDT Applications
2nd November 2017
The remote control capabilities of instruments nowadays ease the development of new NDT applications, especially in harsh environments or restricted areas where it can be difficult to bring together measurement instrument and technician.
Technical Papers