Manufacturing Non-Destructive Testing
Use our manufacturing non-destructive testing resources for fast and simple inspection methods. We can provide you the tools to help evaluate the properties of any material, component, structure, or system.
Every material and construction is encountered in the manufacturing industry making it one of the most interesting.
Manufacturing Equipment
Low Frequency GFRP Imaging with Variable Aperture TFM
Technical Papers
Composite Inspection Benefits and Challenges Using Ultrasonic NDT Solutions
Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is widely used by engineers to inspect a range of composite materials including aluminium laminates and…
Technical Papers
Advanced Composite Inspection
A complete picture of a large component can be produced by stitching C-scans together in the UTmap software.
Riser Bolt Inspection with Creo Bolt Scanner
Sonatest performed Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing on one Riser Bolt. A TFM scan was also implemented to increase resolution and flaw fidelity. The…
Application Notes
Manufacturing Testing Products
Stix - Long Seam Weld Scanner
The STIX - Long Seam WELD scanner is specially designed to translate Phased Array and/or TOFD probes along both sides of a pipe longitudinal seam…
STIX - Upgradable Weld Scanner
Upgradable solution to scan circular pipe welds using TOFD, Phased Array or combined techniques at your fingertips!
Odi II
The Odi-II is used to provide encoded position of two probes along the scan axis and its small size makes it a perfect tool for manual TOFD scanning.
The Odi encoder is used to provide encoded position of a probe along the scan axis/ The small size of the Odi makes it a perfect tool for hard to…
The ROTIX - Chain Weld Scanner kit is designed to provide encoded position of probes circumferentially around piping for weld inspection on ferrous or…