Service Company
Low Frequency GFRP Imaging with Variable Aperture TFM

15th June 2023
Technical Papers
Composite Inspection Benefits and Challenges Using Ultrasonic NDT Solutions

15th June 2023
Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is widely used by engineers to inspect a range of composite materials including aluminium laminates and carbon fiber-based composites.
Technical Papers
Advanced Composite Inspection

12th June 2023
A complete picture of a large component can be produced by stitching C-scans together in the UTmap software.
Build Your Expertise With Confidence

17th June 2021
In the past decade, there have been few revolutions in the world of advance ultrasonic technologies; the latest is the introduction of Total Focusing Method (TFM).
Technical Papers
TFMi™: Using Intermodal Analysis to Improve TFM Imaging

17th June 2021
Total Focussing Method (TFM) is a term given to the mathematical processing of waveforms
collected by a phased array data acquisition process to provide an image of a volume under
Technical Papers