Composite C-Scan Stitching with UTmap

Ultrasonic NDT has helped engineers inspect all sorts of composite materials for years.

RSflite Solution

Whether it be traditional aluminium laminates or today's more complex carbon fibre-based composites; the fast Sonatest RSflite linear scanning technology – also called electronic scanning – offers the ability to acoustically see through these parts, and create high-resolution inspection maps.

Using the UTmap unique Tiled-Scan (T-Scan) stitching capability, comprehensive volumetric integrity reports can be generated and supported by imaging reports that are as easy to interpret as traditional X-Ray, without the hazard mitigation plan.

For large composite structure inspections, the position and overlap precision of the recorded ultrasonic information is a challenge in itself. The UTmap unique stitching capabilities resolve this issue as each stripe of data (C-Scan) can be re-gated and aligned precisely on the T-Scan workspace. It is also possible to import CAD / image overlays and assemble C-Scan stripes from different sections to create a meaningful image for analysis and reporting. UTmap finally offers real-time contouring defect annotations with algorithms that provide precise and automatic measurements for fast defect interpretation and reporting.